“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” – Albert Einstein
The KISS principle -Keep it Simple Sweetheart
(If you think of a good substitute for “stupid” or “sweetheart,” let me know.)
The KISS principle was formulated by Kelly Johnson, an engineer for an advanced aircraft development program. The goal was to design systems with simple repair capabilities. Today that same principle is used for designing software, composing music, writing, and living life in general.
Songs With Simple Themes Are Often the Ones We Never Forget.
We usually listen to music when we want to relax. It’s not relaxing when the music is dissonant or complicated. Listen to the bass line in Canon in D by Pachelbel. The same pattern is used all through the piece, with variations in the upper part of the music. https://heavenlyharpist.com/mp3/ClassicalFavorites/11CanoninD.mp3 The same bass pattern is repeated all through the piece in Arabian Dance/Nutcracker Suite by Tschaikovskyhttps://heavenlyharpist.com/mp3/ClassicalFavorites/06ArabianDance.mp3
Much of the ageless folk music has simple repetitive chords and lyrics that aren’t too complicated. Almost everyone recognizes Greensleeves, both as a folk song and Christmas Carol.
The lyrics to opera, pop and country songs are often about an awesome lover, loss of love, and life.
10 Simple Things in Life That Bring Happiness
1. A good book
2. Hearing some of your favorite music
3. Laughing so hard your sides hurt
4. Falling in love
5. Finding a solution to a nagging problem
6. Spending time with your kids, grandkids, parents, friends
7. The first bite or sip of your favorite food
8.Coming up with a fabulous idea
9. Waking up after a good sleep totally relaxed
10. A beautiful sunset
When you realize you are stressed and trying to think about several things at once, think of this quote.
“Life is like art. You have to work hard to keep it simple and still have meaning.” – Charles De Lint