
Five important musical selections for your wedding ceremony

1. Pre-Ceremony or Prelude Music.
2. Processional for Parents/Grandparents
3. Processional for the Bridal Party
4. Bride’s Entrance
5. Recessional

Pre-Ceremony or Prelude Music
The music before the ceremony sets the mood, preparing everyone for the beautiful vows. This music can be classical, love songs, religious music, folk or any combination. Often these selections are left up to the musician.  Tell the musician if you have any favorites and if you prefer a certain style of music.  Some churches permit only classical and religious music, so if you’re getting married in a church you will need to check this out.

Parents/Grandparents Entrance
The family can be seated to a continuation of the pre-ceremony music or to a specially chosen song.  The bride’s mother is the last person to enter before the bridal party.
Possible Choices for Family Entrance
-Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by J.S. Bach
-Ave Maria by Schubert

Processional Music for Bridal Party
The music for the bridal party begins either when the officiant and groom come to the altar or immediately after this. The groomsmen may come in with the groom and officiant or with the bridesmaids. The music for the bridal party is traditionally grand, majestic and stately.  Sometimes the family and the entire bridal party enter to the same music.

Possible Choices for Bridal Party
-Canon in D by Pachelbel
-Air from Water Music by Handel
-18th Variation by Rachmaninoff
-Trumpet Voluntary by Clarke

Bride’s Entrance
The bride’s entrance is announced by a fanfare and everyone standing. The bride can enter to the traditional Bridal Chorus (Here Comes the Bride) or other music.

Possible Choices for Bride’s Entrance
-Bridal Chorus (Here Comes the Bride) by Wagner
-Canon in D by Pachelbel
-Hornpipe from Water Music by Handel

Recessional Music
The recessional music begins at the end of the ceremony, either after the kiss or after the officiant introduces the couple.  Of course this music will be joyous and grand.

Possible Choices for Recessional Music
-Wedding March (Traditional) by Mendelssohn
-Ode to Joy by Beethoven
-Spring from “Four Seasons” by Vivaldi
-Trumpet Voluntary by Clarke

These songs can be interchanged between different parts of the ceremony. Samples of these selections and more can be heard on the harp CD, Wedding Magic. www.amazon.com/dp/B00004Y7T1  & https://heavenlyharpist.com/