Organ Masterpieces CD

This spine-tingling pipe organ music covers a wonderful range of composers, timbres and emotions. Buxtehude captures the grand magnificence of the pipe organ, then Bach’s ‘Wake, Wake for Night is Flying’ immediately brings you back to a gentle state. You’ll feel the exquitsite intensity of the glorious pipes. These beautifully played selections will inspire and amaze.
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1. Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne
– Dietrich Buxterhude (1637–1707)
2. Wachet Auf! Ruft uns die Stimme
(Wake, wake! for nightis flying)
– J.S. Bach (1685–1750)
3. Wo soll ich fliehen hinListen
(O whither shall I fly)
– J.S. Bach (1685–
4. Meine Seele erhebt den Herren
(My Soul doth magnify the Lord)
I. Lebhaft
II. Rughig bewegt
III. Fugue: Massig bewegt, heiter
– J.S. Bach (1685–1750)
5. Sonata II
– Paul Hindemith (1895–1963)
6. Piece Heroique
– Cesar Franck (1822–1890)
7. Rhapsodie No. 3 on Breton Melodies
– Camiille Saint-Saens (1835–1921)
8. Toccata in D minor
– Alphonse Mailly (1833–1918)